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ScalersTalk 听力狂练小组第 118 周训练日志

#ScalersTalk 听力狂练小组第 118 周训练日志| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

And those Labor candidates who were telling a lot of people including me that there was an awful lot of pushbackagainst the idea of Jeremy Corbyn winning and leading. They weren't all lying, Len. Now the reality is, John, people have voted Labor because Corbyn broke through.

pushbackn. 飞机推迟起飞;撤退;推门横条

We also need a pushback against biofuels, which turn out to have been a terrible mistake.


pushbackn. 飞机推迟起飞;撤退;推门横条

We also need a pushback against biofuels, which turn out to have been a terrible mistake.


And the increase in some of the majorities is startlingnot because the particular local constituencyMP was somehow an extraordinary, charismaticand inspirational MP, but because of what was happening.

And the increase in some of the majorities is startlingnot because the particular local constituencyMP was somehow an extraordinary, charismaticand inspirational MP, but because of what was happening.

startlingadj. very unusual or surprising

Paddy's words had a startling effect on the children.

a startling discovery

it is startling to do sth

It is startling to read that his father never visited him in hospital.


constituencyn. 选区;选区的选民;支持者;主顾

Mr Jones has a natural constituency among steel workers. 琼斯先生在钢铁工人中自有一批人拥护。

charismaticadj. 有魅力的 having charisma

Martin Luther King was a very charismatic speaker.

startlingadj. very unusual or surprising

Paddy's words had a startling effect on the children.

a startling discovery

Paddy's words had a startling effect on the children.

a startling discovery

it is startling to do sth

It is startling to read that his father never visited him in hospital.

It is startling to read that his father never visited him in hospital.


constituencyn. 选区;选区的选民;支持者;主顾

Mr Jones has a natural constituency among steel workers. 琼斯先生在钢铁工人中自有一批人拥护。

Mr Jones has a natural constituency among steel workers. 琼斯先生在钢铁工人中自有一批人拥护。

charismaticadj. 有魅力的 having charisma

Martin Luther King was a very charismatic speaker.

Martin Luther King was a very charismatic speaker.

Reports in the US media say President Trump's newly appointed communications director Anthony Scaramucci has been removed from his post barely 10 days after he was given the job. The New York Times is quoting sources close to the decision, saying President Trump decided to remove Mr. Scaramucci at the request ofJohn Kelly, who was sworn inas the White House Chief of Staffearlier.

美国媒体报道称,特朗普总统新任命的通讯主任安东尼•斯卡拉穆奇(Anthony Scaramucci)就职仅 10 天之后就被免职。《纽约时报》引用知情人士的话称,特朗普总统解雇斯卡拉穆奇是应早些时候刚刚宣誓就职白宫幕僚长的凯利(John Kelly)的要求。

Reports in the US media say President Trump's newly appointed communications director Anthony Scaramucci has been removed from his post barely 10 days after he was given the job. The New York Times is quoting sources close to the decision, saying President Trump decided to remove Mr. Scaramucci at the request ofJohn Kelly, who was sworn inas the White House Chief of Staffearlier.

美国媒体报道称,特朗普总统新任命的通讯主任安东尼•斯卡拉穆奇(Anthony Scaramucci)就职仅 10 天之后就被免职。《纽约时报》引用知情人士的话称,特朗普总统解雇斯卡拉穆奇是应早些时候刚刚宣誓就职白宫幕僚长的凯利(John Kelly)的要求。

quotev. to repeat exactly what someone else has said or written 引用,引述

sources close to the decision 与此决定有关的消息来源→知情人士的话

at the request of应……的要求

swear in– when someone is sworn in, they formally promise to fulfil the duties of a new job or appointment 使宣誓就职(Sworn – swear 的过去分词)

Chief of Staff幕僚长(又称白宫办公厅主任,是美国总统办事机构的最高级别官员,同时亦是美利坚合众国总统的高级助理。白宫幕僚长是一个拥有很大权力的职位,常被称为“华盛顿第二最具权力的人”。)

quotev. to repeat exactly what someone else has said or written 引用,引述

sources close to the decision 与此决定有关的消息来源→知情人士的话

at the request of应……的要求

swear in– when someone is sworn in, they formally promise to fulfil the duties of a new job or appointment 使宣誓就职(Sworn – swear 的过去分词)

Chief of Staff幕僚长(又称白宫办公厅主任,是美国总统办事机构的最高级别官员,同时亦是美利坚合众国总统的高级助理。白宫幕僚长是一个拥有很大权力的职位,常被称为“华盛顿第二最具权力的人”。)

Opposition activists in Venezuela have blockedroads across the capital Caracas, in protest against Sunday's controversial vote for a new constituent assembly. They are planning a march later to honor the 10 people killed on pollingday.

委内瑞拉反对派激进分子堵塞了首都加拉加斯的道路,抗议周日有争议性的成立新的宪法议会的投票。他们计划晚些时候举行游行,纪念投票当天遇难的 10 人。

Opposition activists in Venezuela have blockedroads across the capital Caracas, in protest against Sunday's controversial vote for a new constituent assembly. They are planning a march later to honor the 10 people killed on pollingday.

委内瑞拉反对派激进分子堵塞了首都加拉加斯的道路,抗议周日有争议性的成立新的宪法议会的投票。他们计划晚些时候举行游行,纪念投票当天遇难的 10 人。

blockv. to prevent anything moving through a space by being or placing something across it or in it 阻挡,堵塞(又作 block up)

block sb./sth. in (因为靠得太近而)堵住(别人的汽车),画

block sth. off 封闭,封锁(道路,入口)

block sth. out 挡住(光线),抹去(记忆)

Constituent assembly立宪会议,制宪会议

polling 投票;民意调查

blockv. to prevent anything moving through a space by being or placing something across it or in it 阻挡,堵塞(又作 block up)

block sb./sth. in (因为靠得太近而)堵住(别人的汽车),画

block sth. off 封闭,封锁(道路,入口)

block sth. out 挡住(光线),抹去(记忆)

block sb./sth. in (因为靠得太近而)堵住(别人的汽车),画

block sth. off 封闭,封锁(道路,入口)

block sth. out 挡住(光线),抹去(记忆)

Constituent assembly立宪会议,制宪会议

polling 投票;民意调查

United Nations rights experts say there's an alarmingrise in extrajudicialkillings in the Philippines. They said they were shocked by the increasing attacks on indigenousgroups, trade unionists, land rightsleaders, and on children.


United Nations rights experts say there's an alarmingrise in extrajudicialkillings in the Philippines. They said they were shocked by the increasing attacks on indigenousgroups, trade unionists, land rightsleaders, and on children.


alarmingadj. making you feel worried or frightened 令人担忧的,令人惊恐的

SYN - disturbing

judicialadj. Relating to the law, judges or their decisions 法律的,司法的

SYN - legislative

The judicial system 司法系统

Extrajudicial adj. beyond or outside the ordinary powers of the law 法庭管辖以外的

Indigenousadj. indigenous people or things have always been in the place where they are, rather than being brought there from somewhere else ( + to ) 土生土长的,本地的

SYN - native

unionistn. 工会会员

land rights土地产权

alarmingadj. making you feel worried or frightened 令人担忧的,令人惊恐的

SYN - disturbing

SYN - disturbing

judicialadj. Relating to the law, judges or their decisions 法律的,司法的

SYN - legislative

The judicial system 司法系统

Extrajudicial adj. beyond or outside the ordinary powers of the law 法庭管辖以外的

SYN - legislative

The judicial system 司法系统

Extrajudicial adj. beyond or outside the ordinary powers of the law 法庭管辖以外的

Indigenousadj. indigenous people or things have always been in the place where they are, rather than being brought there from somewhere else ( + to ) 土生土长的,本地的

SYN - native

SYN - native

unionistn. 工会会员

land rights土地产权

Fraud policein Malawihave issued an arrest warrantfor the former President Joyce Banda over allegationsof abuse of office and money laundering. They said the warrant related to the cashgate scandal.

马拉维防诈骗警察向前总统乔伊斯•班达(Joyce Banda)颁发了逮捕令,指控她洗钱和滥用职权。他们说,逮捕令与现金门丑闻有关。

Fraud policein Malawihave issued an arrest warrantfor the former President Joyce Banda over allegationsof abuse of office and money laundering. They said the warrant related to the cashgate scandal.

马拉维防诈骗警察向前总统乔伊斯•班达(Joyce Banda)颁发了逮捕令,指控她洗钱和滥用职权。他们说,逮捕令与现金门丑闻有关。


fraud police反腐警察

warrantn. a legal document that is signed by a judge, allowing the police to take a particular action ( + for )(法院授权警方采取行动的)令状

arrest warrant 逮捕证,逮捕令

Issue a warrant 发出逮捕令

no warrant for doing sth. 不是做某事的正当理由

allegationn. a statement saying that someone has done something wrong ( + of / against ) 指控

money laundering洗钱

( when money that has been obtained illegally is put into legal businesses or bank accounts in different countries, so that it is difficult for people to discover where it came from )

Cashgate scandal现金门丑闻



fraud police反腐警察

warrantn. a legal document that is signed by a judge, allowing the police to take a particular action ( + for )(法院授权警方采取行动的)令状

arrest warrant 逮捕证,逮捕令

Issue a warrant 发出逮捕令

no warrant for doing sth. 不是做某事的正当理由

arrest warrant 逮捕证,逮捕令

Issue a warrant 发出逮捕令

no warrant for doing sth. 不是做某事的正当理由

allegationn. a statement saying that someone has done something wrong ( + of / against ) 指控

money laundering洗钱

( when money that has been obtained illegally is put into legal businesses or bank accounts in different countries, so that it is difficult for people to discover where it came from )

Cashgate scandal现金门丑闻



US researchers have found that online searches about suicide spiked, in the weeks after the screeningof a controversial drama earlier this year about a teenage girl who kills herself. The team said suicide related searches rose 19% more than expected after the screening.

美国研究人员发现,今年年初播放了关于一名少女自杀的有争议的戏剧后,几周内关于自杀的网络搜索量有所增加。该研究小组表示,放映该节目后,与自杀有关的搜索比预期增加了 19%。

US researchers have found that online searches about suicide spiked, in the weeks after the screeningof a controversial drama earlier this year about a teenage girl who kills herself. The team said suicide related searches rose 19% more than expected after the screening.

美国研究人员发现,今年年初播放了关于一名少女自杀的有争议的戏剧后,几周内关于自杀的网络搜索量有所增加。该研究小组表示,放映该节目后,与自杀有关的搜索比预期增加了 19%。

spikev. if the number or rate of something spikes, it increases quickly and by a large amount 激增

New telephone orders have spiked in the last two years.

a spike in

a spike in interest rates


A surge in/ of …

A bulge in



human explosion人口激增

screeningn. the showing of a film or television program 放映,播放

spikev. if the number or rate of something spikes, it increases quickly and by a large amount 激增

New telephone orders have spiked in the last two years.

New telephone orders have spiked in the last two years.

a spike in

a spike in interest rates

a spike in interest rates


A surge in/ of …

A bulge in


A surge in/ of …

A bulge in



human explosion人口激增

human explosion人口激增

screeningn. the showing of a film or television program 放映,播放

Officials in Los Angeles say they have struck a dealto host the summer Olympic Games in 2028. It's a move that means Paris will almost certainly host the Games in 2024, exactly a century after it last stagedthem.

洛杉矶官员表示,他们已经就 2028 年夏季奥运会达成了协议。此举意味着巴黎几乎肯定会举办 2024 年奥运会,距离上次举办刚好一个世纪。

Officials in Los Angeles say they have struck a dealto host the summer Olympic Games in 2028. It's a move that means Paris will almost certainly host the Games in 2024, exactly a century after it last stagedthem.

洛杉矶官员表示,他们已经就 2028 年夏季奥运会达成了协议。此举意味着巴黎几乎肯定会举办 2024 年奥运会,距离上次举办刚好一个世纪。

strike a deal达成协议







sign / make a pact

reach / conclude / enter into an agreement

stagev. to organize a public event 组织,筹划(公众活动)

词根 stage – staged adj. 分期的

stager n. 老练的人,经验丰富的人,演员

strike a deal达成协议







sign / make a pact

reach / conclude / enter into an agreement






sign / make a pact

reach / conclude / enter into an agreement

stagev. to organize a public event 组织,筹划(公众活动)

词根 stage – staged adj. 分期的

stager n. 老练的人,经验丰富的人,演员

President Trump has hinted that the United States'position on climate change could alter.

At a news conference in Paris, Mr. Trump said something could happen with respect to the Paris Accord on Climate Change from which the US withdrew six weeks ago.

Its host President Emmanuel Macron has said he hoped to persuade him about the merits of the accord.

President Trump has hinted that the United States'position on climate change could alter.

At a news conference in Paris, Mr. Trump said something could happen with respect to the Paris Accord on Climate Change from which the US withdrew six weeks ago.

Its host President Emmanuel Macron has said he hoped to persuade him about the merits of the accord.

The Paris Accord on Climate Change巴黎气候变化协定;Accord 国家之间的正式协定。

with respect of = in respect of关于

the merits of(相比之下的)好处,优点


The Paris Accord on Climate Change巴黎气候变化协定;Accord 国家之间的正式协定。

with respect of = in respect of关于

the merits of(相比之下的)好处,优点


A day after a former Brazilian President was convicted of bribery, a Congressional Committee in Brazil has voted not to pursue a corruption charge against the incumbent Michel Temer in the Supreme Court.

To non-binding, the decision may signal a voting intention of the full congress.

A spokesman for Mr. Termer said the committee has chosen to defend democracy.

Meanwhile, the former President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva has challenged his corruption conviction by announcing he intends to seek reelection.

A day after a former Brazilian President was convicted of bribery, a Congressional Committee in Brazil has voted not to pursue a corruption charge against the incumbent Michel Temer in the Supreme Court.

To non-binding, the decision may signal a voting intention of the full congress.

A spokesman for Mr. Termer said the committee has chosen to defend democracy.

Meanwhile, the former President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva has challenged his corruption conviction by announcing he intends to seek reelection.

convicted / conviction定罪, 判罪



pursue the charge against sb追究某人的责任



signalv.n. 预示, 表明

defend democracy捍卫民主

challengev.n. 对……质疑

convicted / conviction定罪, 判罪



pursue the charge against sb追究某人的责任



signalv.n. 预示, 表明

defend democracy捍卫民主

challengev.n. 对……质疑

Willd life activists in India have accused the authorities of failing to be transparency about the rising number of death of tigers.

67 of the animals have died in India this year. But activists say there are secrecies over the causes.

Willd life activists in India have accused the authorities of failing to be transparency about the rising number of death of tigers.

67 of the animals have died in India this year. But activists say there are secrecies over the causes.

accuse指控 accuse sb of sth



accuse指控 accuse sb of sth



President Trump has reluctantly signed into lawa congressional bill, imposing sanctions onRussia over its policy in Ukraine and alleged meddling inlast year's U.S. presidential election.

特朗普总统不情愿地签署了一份加入了条款规定的国会议案,该议案旨在制裁俄罗斯对乌克兰的政策以及制裁俄罗斯干预 2016 年总统大选一事。

President Trump has reluctantly signed into lawa congressional bill, imposing sanctions onRussia over its policy in Ukraine and alleged meddling inlast year's U.S. presidential election.

特朗普总统不情愿地签署了一份加入了条款规定的国会议案,该议案旨在制裁俄罗斯对乌克兰的政策以及制裁俄罗斯干预 2016 年总统大选一事。

sign into law:To sign (legislation) as a mark of official approval. 签署生效;签署成为法律

impose sanctions on:对……进行制裁

alleged:claimed to be true, even though this has not been proved 声称的,被指称的

meddle in:busy oneself in sth without being asked to do so 管闲事;干预

sign into law:To sign (legislation) as a mark of official approval. 签署生效;签署成为法律

impose sanctions on:对……进行制裁

alleged:claimed to be true, even though this has not been proved 声称的,被指称的

meddle in:busy oneself in sth without being asked to do so 管闲事;干预

Afterwards, he called the legislation seriously flawed, saying it encroachedon his powers to negotiate foreign policy and hurt the interests of European allies.


Afterwards, he called the legislation seriously flawed, saying it encroachedon his powers to negotiate foreign policy and hurt the interests of European allies.


flawed:having a flaw 有错误的;有瑕疵的

encroach:to intrude gradually or stealthily, often taking away somebody's authority, rights, or property 侵犯;侵占;侵害;

hurt the interests of损害……的利益

flawed:having a flaw 有错误的;有瑕疵的

encroach:to intrude gradually or stealthily, often taking away somebody's authority, rights, or property 侵犯;侵占;侵害;

hurt the interests of损害……的利益

The company that provided the Venezuelanvoting system for the controversial constituent assemblyelections says the turnoutfigure was inflatedby at least one million.

为委内瑞拉备受争议的制宪大会选举提供选举系统的公司表示,最终的结果至少比实际情况多了 100 万票。

The company that provided the Venezuelanvoting system for the controversial constituent assemblyelections says the turnoutfigure was inflatedby at least one million.

为委内瑞拉备受争议的制宪大会选举提供选举系统的公司表示,最终的结果至少比实际情况多了 100 万票。

Venezuela:委内瑞拉。委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国(西班牙语:República Bolivariana de Venezuela)是位于南美洲北部的国家,也是南美洲国家联盟的成员国,首都加拉加斯。

Constituent assembly:a group of elected representatives with the power to make or change a country's constitution立宪会议(有权制定或修改国家宪法)

turnout:the number of people who vote in a particular election 投票人数

inflate:to make a number or price higher than it should be 抬高

Venezuela:委内瑞拉。委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国(西班牙语:República Bolivariana de Venezuela)是位于南美洲北部的国家,也是南美洲国家联盟的成员国,首都加拉加斯。

Constituent assembly:a group of elected representatives with the power to make or change a country's constitution立宪会议(有权制定或修改国家宪法)

turnout:the number of people who vote in a particular election 投票人数

inflate:to make a number or price higher than it should be 抬高

The speaker of the opposition-controlled National Assembly called onprosecutors to open a criminal investigationimmediately. Amid rowdyscenes, the Brazilian Congress is voting in a historicsession that will decide the political future of President Michel Temer. Mr. Temer has been accused of receiving big bribesfrom a leading company, and Congress could send him to stand trial.

由反对派控制的国民议会呼吁检方立刻开启刑事侦查。在经历了一番混沌之后,巴西国会在一次具有历史意义的会议上投票,这次会议将决定巴西总统米歇尔 泰尔何去何从。泰尔被指控收受某巨头公司的巨额贿赂,国会可据此让其受审。

The speaker of the opposition-controlled National Assembly called onprosecutors to open a criminal investigationimmediately. Amid rowdyscenes, the Brazilian Congress is voting in a historicsession that will decide the political future of President Michel Temer. Mr. Temer has been accused of receiving big bribesfrom a leading company, and Congress could send him to stand trial.

由反对派控制的国民议会呼吁检方立刻开启刑事侦查。在经历了一番混沌之后,巴西国会在一次具有历史意义的会议上投票,这次会议将决定巴西总统米歇尔 泰尔何去何从。泰尔被指控收受某巨头公司的巨额贿赂,国会可据此让其受审。

open/make/start/conduct criminal investigation:展开刑事侦查

rowdy:making a lot of noise or likely to cause trouble 捣乱的;吵闹的;惹是生非的

receive bribes:受贿

take/offer a bribe:行贿

stand trial:to be judged for a crime in a court of law 受审

open/make/start/conduct criminal investigation:展开刑事侦查

rowdy:making a lot of noise or likely to cause trouble 捣乱的;吵闹的;惹是生非的

receive bribes:受贿

take/offer a bribe:行贿

stand trial:to be judged for a crime in a court of law 受审

The Italian Parliament has approved proposals to send its Navy to help the Libyan Coast Guardcombat people traffickers. But Italy's government stressed that the missionwould actonly with the agreement of the U.N.-recognizedgovernment of national accordin Tripoli.


The Italian Parliament has approved proposals to send its Navy to help the Libyan Coast Guardcombat people traffickers. But Italy's government stressed that the missionwould actonly with the agreement of the U.N.-recognizedgovernment of national accordin Tripoli.


people traffickers:人贩子 combat

accord:a formal agreement

people traffickers:人贩子 combat

accord:a formal agreement

Western powers have demanded action at the U.N. following Iran's launch of a rocket, capable of putting a satellite into orbit. The U.S., Britain, France and Germany said the technology used was closely related to that of a ballistic missile.


Western powers have demanded action at the U.N. following Iran's launch of a rocket, capable of putting a satellite into orbit. The U.S., Britain, France and Germany said the technology used was closely related to that of a ballistic missile.


put a satellite into orbit:将卫星送入轨道

Ballistic missile:弹道导弹

put a satellite into orbit:将卫星送入轨道

Ballistic missile:弹道导弹

Researchers have warned that hundreds of millions of people in South Asia will face potentially unsurvivable humidityby the end of this century.


Researchers have warned that hundreds of millions of people in South Asia will face potentially unsurvivable humidityby the end of this century.












Venezuela 委内瑞拉



controversy [n] 论战,公开辩论

constituentn. 选举;构成

constitute [vt] 构成


assemble [vt] 集合,收集

Venezuela 委内瑞拉



controversy [n] 论战,公开辩论

controversy [n] 论战,公开辩论

constituentn. 选举;构成

constitute [vt] 构成

constitute [vt] 构成


assemble [vt] 集合,收集

assemble [vt] 集合,收集

In a defiancespeech, the head ofa new assembly warned the opposition againstviolent protestersand told foreign governments not to interferein Venezuela.


In a defiancespeech, the head ofa new assembly warned the opposition againstviolent protestersand told foreign governments not to interferein Venezuela.


defiance 蔑视,反抗

defiant 目中无人的,蔑视的


interference [n.] 干涉,打扰

protester 反对者

supporter 支持者

defiance 蔑视,反抗

defiant 目中无人的,蔑视的


interference [n.] 干涉,打扰

interference [n.] 干涉,打扰

protester 反对者

supporter 支持者

supporter 支持者

Criticsof President Nicolas Maduro believe the new assembly is an attempt to sidelinethe opposition-led parliament.


A former aide tothe IsraeliPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to testify in corruption cases in which Mr. Netanyahu has been questioned.


Criticsof President Nicolas Maduro believe the new assembly is an attempt to sidelinethe opposition-led parliament.


A former aide tothe IsraeliPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to testify in corruption cases in which Mr. Netanyahu has been questioned.


critic 批评家

sideline 使退出


critic 批评家

sideline 使退出


Ari Harow is expected to give evidence as part of two investigations.


Mr. Netanyahu denies wrongdoing.


The US Attorney GeneralJeff Sessions has condemnedwhat he called the staggeringnumber of leakswhich have been set by the Trump Administration.


Ari Harow is expected to give evidence as part of two investigations.


Mr. Netanyahu denies wrongdoing.


The US Attorney GeneralJeff Sessions has condemnedwhat he called the staggeringnumber of leakswhich have been set by the Trump Administration.


Attorney General首席检察官,司法部长


stagger [v] 蹒跚

leak[v/t] 泄露

Attorney General首席检察官,司法部长


stagger [v] 蹒跚

stagger [v] 蹒跚

leak[v/t] 泄露

He told at a news conference in Washington that the media should not be allowed to place lives at risk with impunity.


He told at a news conference in Washington that the media should not be allowed to place lives at risk with impunity.


impunity无罪,不受损失(do sth. with impunity)


impunity无罪,不受损失(do sth. with impunity)



Forces backing Yemen's government have reportedly driven Al Qaeda fighters out of the main cities of Shabwah province in the south of the country.


Forces backing Yemen's government have reportedly driven Al Qaeda fighters out of the main cities of Shabwah province in the south of the country.


Yemen 也门

Al Qaeda fighters“基地”组织成员(Al Qaeda “阿凯达”组织,为伊斯兰教军事组织)

Yemen 也门

Al Qaeda fighters“基地”组织成员(Al Qaeda “阿凯达”组织,为伊斯兰教军事组织)

The troops were supported by the local tribes' men and assisted by forces from the US and the United Arab Emirates.


Votes have been accounted in Rwandain a presidential election widely expected to result in a landslidevictory for the incumbentPaul Kagame.


The troops were supported by the local tribes' men and assisted by forces from the US and the United Arab Emirates.


Votes have been accounted in Rwandain a presidential election widely expected to result in a landslidevictory for the incumbentPaul Kagame.





~on 必须履行,强制




~on 必须履行,强制

~on 必须履行,强制

The first result will be announced in the next few hours. Critics accused Mr. Kagame of ruling through fear.


A former executive of the Germany car company Volkswagenhas pleaded guilty in court to conspiring to mislead US regulatorsabout diesel emissions.


The first result will be announced in the next few hours. Critics accused Mr. Kagame of ruling through fear.


A former executive of the Germany car company Volkswagenhas pleaded guilty in court to conspiring to mislead US regulatorsabout diesel emissions.




diesel emission 柴油机排放



diesel emission 柴油机排放

The World Athleticschampionships have opened in London with the Jamaicasprinter Usain Bolt competing forthe last time before retirement.


The World Athleticschampionships have opened in London with the Jamaicasprinter Usain Bolt competing forthe last time before retirement.


The World Athletics 世界田径锦标赛

Jamaica 牙买加

The World Athletics 世界田径锦标赛

Jamaica 牙买加

He is defending his 100-meter title. Britain's Mo Farah is aiming for gold in the 10,000 meters.

此次他将为自己 100 米短跑的冠军卫冕奋力一搏。英国选手莫•法拉此次将参加 1 万米金牌的角逐。

He is defending his 100-meter title. Britain's Mo Farah is aiming for gold in the 10,000 meters.

此次他将为自己 100 米短跑的冠军卫冕奋力一搏。英国选手莫•法拉此次将参加 1 万米金牌的角逐。

The Venezuelan authorities say they have suppressed, what they termed, a terrorist attack on an army base in the City of Valencia.

The Venezuelan authorities say they have suppressed, what they termed, a terrorist attack on an army base in the City of Valencia.


suppress the truth about sth 隐瞒某事物的真相

suppress a newspaper, ie prevent it from being published 查禁一家报纸

Are the police suppressing some evidence? 警方是否隐瞒了一些证据?

The dictator tried to suppress all criticism of him. 那独裁者竭力压制一切批评他的言论。


suppress the truth about sth 隐瞒某事物的真相

suppress a newspaper, ie prevent it from being published 查禁一家报纸

Are the police suppressing some evidence? 警方是否隐瞒了一些证据?

The dictator tried to suppress all criticism of him. 那独裁者竭力压制一切批评他的言论。

suppress the truth about sth 隐瞒某事物的真相

suppress a newspaper, ie prevent it from being published 查禁一家报纸

Are the police suppressing some evidence? 警方是否隐瞒了一些证据?

The dictator tried to suppress all criticism of him. 那独裁者竭力压制一切批评他的言论。

Afghan officials say at least 50 people, including women and children, have been killed by militantsin the northern province of Sari Pul. A spokesman told BBC that insurgentsattacked security checkpoints and entered a village, killing civilians, among them women and children.

Afghan officials say at least 50 people, including women and children, have been killed by militantsin the northern province of Sari Pul. A spokesman told BBC that insurgentsattacked security checkpoints and entered a village, killing civilians, among them women and children.

militantn. 激进分子,好斗分子

The militants might still find some new excuse to call a strike.


insurgentn. 起义者,叛乱者,造反者

By early yesterday, the insurgents had taken control of the country's main military air base.


militantn. 激进分子,好斗分子

The militants might still find some new excuse to call a strike.


insurgentn. 起义者,叛乱者,造反者

By early yesterday, the insurgents had taken control of the country's main military air base.


He spoke after meeting Pyongyang's top envoy. The UN Security Council has approved sanctionsbanning a range of North Korean exports.

He spoke after meeting Pyongyang's top envoy. The UN Security Council has approved sanctionsbanning a range of North Korean exports.

sanctionn. 制裁,处罚

As an ultimate sanction, they can sell their shares.


sanctionn. 制裁,处罚

As an ultimate sanction, they can sell their shares.


The Israeli Communications Minister has said he plans to revokethe press credentials of Al Jazeera television journalists, close its Jerusalem bureau and pull its broadcasts from local channels.

The Israeli Communications Minister has said he plans to revokethe press credentials of Al Jazeera television journalists, close its Jerusalem bureau and pull its broadcasts from local channels.

revokevt. 撤销,取消;废除;

Remarriage would revoke all previous wills.


revokevt. 撤销,取消;废除;

Remarriage would revoke all previous wills.


The hosts Netherlands have won their first women's European Championship Football title by beating Denmark 4 goals to 2. Vivianne Miedema scored two goals for the winners at an exciting final in a Dutch city of Enschede. The Dutch is only the 4th team to lift the trophy.

The hosts Netherlands have won their first women's European Championship Football title by beating Denmark 4 goals to 2. Vivianne Miedema scored two goals for the winners at an exciting final in a Dutch city of Enschede. The Dutch is only the 4th team to lift the trophy.

trophyn. 纪念品,战利品

The silver trophy was donated by a Leicester businessman.


trophyn. 纪念品,战利品

The silver trophy was donated by a Leicester businessman.










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